“Rider's Lullaby“ is a song from Netflix's animated musical series Centaurworld. The song is sung by a rider of a warhorse named Horse as they find out that their village was burned to ash after they are sent on a mission to find the key to victory. I immediately fell in love with this song the first time I heard it and decided to make a one-line of it. Whose vocalization do you think sounds the best? Let me know in the comments! Languages included: العربية: شما عز Hrvatski: Mateja Majerie Čeština: ? Dansk: Theresa Sølvsteen Nederlands: Sarah Nauta English: Jessie Mueller Suomi: Jenny Virkkunen Français: Margaux Maillet Deutsch: Anne-Catrin Märzke Ελληνικά: Χίλντα Ηλιοπούλου עִבְרִי
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