The origin story for the movie “Natural Born Killers“ began with a screenplay written by Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino initially wrote the script as a dark and satirical commentary on the media’s glorification of violence in American society. The script was influenced by various sources, including true crime stories, the media landscape, and Tarantino’s own distinctive style. Tarantino’s screenplay caught the attention of director Oliver Stone, who was drawn to its provocative themes and unique storytelling approach. Stone saw the potential to further explore and expand upon the script’s ideas and visual style. He acquired the rights to the screenplay and collaborated with Tarantino to further develop the story. However, as the film went through the production process, significant changes were made to the script. Stone and his co-writers, Richard Rutowski and David Veloz, rewrote and restructured the story, altering the narrative structure and adding their own elements t
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