#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #約書亞樂團 #想不到 想不到 / Beyond My Imagination 作詞 Lyricist:周巽光、璽恩 SiEnVanessa、趙治德、蔡依純 作曲 Composer:周巽光、璽恩 SiEnVanessa、趙治德、蔡依純 主領 Worship Leader:璽恩 SiEnVanessa 英譯詞 Translator:宋怡萌 Joy Sung ﹥Verse 1 看吧 祢的良善我想不到 祢真好 I can’t comprehend Your kindness to me, You’re so good 當我以為我知道 I thought I already knew 祢卻為我犧牲祢的至寶 想不到 Yet You sacrificed Your treasure for me, I can’t speak ﹥Verse 2 奇妙 祢的拯救出乎意料 忘不了 Amazed, overwhelmed by Your saving grace, can’t forget 超越我所求所想 More than I could ask or think 還沒開口祢就已經回應 我禱告 Before I spoke You were there to respond to my prayer ﹥Pre-Chorus 我再不開口 連石頭都要讚美跳躍 If I hold my peace, even rocks will start dancing their praise 我大聲宣告 讓世界知道祢有多好 Loudly I declare so the whole world will know You are good ﹥Chorus 1 想不到萬王之王 謙卑自己 To think, the King of Kings would humble himself 騎著驢進入祢的城裡唱和撒那 Entered the city You rode on a donkey, Sing Hosanna Woah Woah 和撒那 Woah Woah Woah Hosanna Woah 全地都揚聲讚美 迎接君王 The whole earth lifting up praise, welcome King 萬物都述說祢的榮耀大聲呼喊 Creation speaks of Your glory they shout the aloud Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah ﹥Tag 想不到想不到想不到想不到想不到想不到想不到 It’s beyond anything I could dream, far beyond anything I could think or imagine 祢真好 You are good 想不到想不到想不到想不到想不到想不到想不到 It’s beyond anything I could dream, far beyond anything I could think or imagine 多奇妙 I’m amazed ﹥Chorus 2 想不到神獨生子 降生馬槽 How could the Son of God born in a manger 成為人卻行神蹟奇事 何等奇妙 Become the Son of Man working miracles Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah 為了我付上代價祢釘十架 You paid the price on the cross so to save me 三天後從墳墓中復活 我想不到 The third day raising to life, I’m amazed by You Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah - 奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工 聯繫約書亞樂團: - 這裡可以找到我們! YouTube▸ Apple Music▸ Spotify▸ KKBOX▸ My Music▸ friDay音樂▸ LINE MUSIC▸ - 異象工場官方商城▸ 約書亞樂團官網▸ 約書亞樂團Facebook▸ 約書亞樂團Instagram▸ 約書亞樂團微博▸ 約書亞樂團微信▸joshuaband
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