Guanyin is generally seen as a source of unconditional love and, more importantly, as a saviour. In her bodhisattva vow, Guanyin promises to answer the cries and pleas of all sentient beings and to liberate them from their own karmic woes. *Filming location: Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple The Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes Guanshiyin Bodhisattva Holy Pure Land is located at Tamsui Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple in northern Taiwan. It is the world’s first construction with the sitting Buddha in the image of Thousand-Hand Thousand-Eye Guanyin as its iconic design. The Guanyin Statue is made of stainless steel and coated with titanium, measuring 30.3 meters in height and 35.9 meters in width. Sitting on top of the world’s first horizontally-placed “thousand-hand dharma wheel” stacked upon the lotus throne as part of the four-story pedestal, it brings the total height of the entire construction to 56 meters, truly magnificent and breathtaking. The Holy Statue will not only be a new landmark of Taiwan; it even set a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS ™, entitled as “the largest steel sculpture”of the world in 2019! The Holy Thousand-Hand Guanyin Statue at Tamsui embodies a significant milestone in Buddhist history as well as in architecture. * We deeply appreciate Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple for the permission of aerial photography at The Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes Guanshiyin Bodhisattva Holy Pure Land. Drone: DJI Mavic Air 2 《千年的祈禱》 菩提樹下擺渡塵緣 雲水世外 誰心清靈真常 日月應照著乾坤 不能忘我 擁抱一生的痴與傻 卻 參不悟智慧出塵 聽那 暮鼓晨鐘裡的梵唱 蘊含一種 隨緣惜福的傳音 令人充滿法喜 法輪雋永運轉 運轉出 宇宙間的靈氣 照耀天地無極 菩提樹下 盡看大千世界 滾滾紅塵中 願 虔誠共播菩提 以一顆塵心 渡一世塵緣 分享有緣人… * 空拍地點: 緣道觀音廟 為了弘揚千手觀音安樂利益眾生的弘誓,並傳承佛乘宗第二代祖師 緣道菩薩悲願,佛乘宗第三代宗師善單帶領大緣精舍暨財團法人佛乘世界文教基金會,繼2000年興建完成佛乘宗祖師廟「緣道觀音廟」後,再以歡喜心量邀請各方大德,共同建立全世界最宏偉、以效行觀音之慈悲為高度、聚集三世因緣為廣幅的「淡水‧千手觀音」聖像。「淡水‧千手觀音」又稱之為「聖觀音」──《妙法蓮華經.普門品》以「淨聖」來讚頌觀世音菩薩,所以興建「淡水‧千手觀音」聖像,就在成就千手千眼觀世音菩薩的「聖淨土」。 * 誠摯感謝「緣道觀音廟」授權空拍場地(空拍於晨) 千年の祈り 永い祈り Nagai inori (漫長的祈禱) この魂. kono tamashī (這個靈魂) この魂 kono tamashī (這個靈魂) 悲しみも 溶けて Kanashimi mo tokete (悲傷融化) 永く祈らん nagaku inoran (祈禱長久) * Greetings from Taiwan ❤️ My name is William Chen, Aerial Photographer. I had the pleasure of taking aerial photography flights with DJI Mavic Air 2 drone. Whenever I do these kinds of interesting aerial photography and videophotography projects I like to use the opportunity to create some new content, share with people and connect with people in the world, especially during the coronavirus pandemic . * If you like my videos then please subscribe 🔔to my channel for latest updates, click “Like“ 👍 and please kindly leave your comments. Thank you 😊 * MavicAir2TW Channel : #千年の祈り #千手觀音 #緣道觀音廟 #NhãĐanThiênNữ #sennennoinori #Himekami #Guanyin #Lotus #SutraKarandavyuha #Sutra *All media used in this video belong to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.
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