A Future Together. An enchanting fashion film by Wim Winders follows the story of young love blossoming on the sets of a sci-fi drama, invigoratingly costumed in the futuristic #FerragamoAW21 collection. A stylish film director, Gaia Girace finds her professional focus getting distractingly entwined with the start of something new, when she bumps into her laconically handsome sound engineer Felix Sandman. Directed by Wim Wenders Starring Gaia Girace, Felix Sandman, Kayako Higuchi, Tak Bengana, Amar Akway and Yeop Kim Soundtrack: Frederick Sanchez Creative Agency: MA Creative Photographer: Vito Fernicola DoP: Franz Lustig, 1st AD: Luca Lucchesi, Editor: Toni Froschhammer Assistant Editor: Lucas Deschle #AFutureTogether #FerragamoAW21
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