“The City of the Dead“ (1960), also known as “Horror Hotel,“ is a British horror film directed by John Llewellyn Moxey. The story revolves around a student, Nan Barlow, who travels to a remote New England town to study witchcraft. She unwittingly becomes part of a dark ritual in a cursed town haunted by a centuries-old witch. The film features atmospheric cinematography and eerie suspense. “The City of the Dead“ fell into the public domain in the United States due to copyright expiry, allowing it to be widely distributed and viewed without restrictions. Please before giving a thumbs down, most of these movies are in terrible condition, so don’t expect miracles! I use a lot of electricity to enhance them as best as I can. I hope you enjoy what I do. Thank you for watching, you are appreciated greatly! If you have any requests, please comment and I will do my best for you. As long as the requested movies are in the public domain, I can convert to colour and upload here for you to enjoy. This movie took 17 hours to convert to colour in 4K resolution. I first removed as much grain as possible with de-noising. After that, I upscaled it to 4K and increased the frame rate to 60fps followed by AI colourising and AI facial enhancement. I hope you enjoy the end result! This movie is in the public domain. There are also many other uploads of this movie across Youtube channels and the archive in it’s original black and white form. Movie IMDB - Original movie in black and white: : If you do appreciate the work I do, please share the GoFundMe I have setup for my son, he is 5 years old with cerebral palsy and I am trying to raise as much as possible for private physiotherapy sessions. The GoFundMe is here Your help and support will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
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