Check out MSI’s range of GP66 laptops featuring up to an RTX 3080Ti and a 240hz OLED screen. Visit Thanks to Nvidia and MSI for sponsoring the video. -- Death by a thousand bat-cuts, Gotham Knights wore me down despite my desperately trying to enjoy it. A great cast, iconic villains and solid writing are undermined at every turn by lacklustre combat, terrible enemy design, a redundant gear/crafting system and an open world structure that is constantly grinding your enjoyment to a halt. Gotham Knights launches tomorrow on PS5, Xbox Series consoles and PC. Review code provided by publisher. #gothamknights #Review #gaming -- #UltimatePlay #GeForce #MSIGaming @NVIDIA GeForce @MSI Gaming -- Edited by Austin @ausomehd -- Thanks for taking the time to watch the video. If you’d like to support the channel even more, the best way is through my Patreon: -- Twitter: https://twitte
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