Turkey is one of the best places to go shopping for fake designer brands. There’s thousand of bazaars and stores all over the country selling knock off counterfeit shoes, shirts, jeans, sun glasses and purses. We decided to buy a suitcase and fill it up with as many fake designer brands as we could. join us as we bargain our way through Turkey. 🎥 Kicked Out Of Nightmare Hotel 🇹🇷 🚩IMPORTANT!! TURN ON “CC“ IN SPANISH OR ENGLISH FOR HAND 🚩 WRITTEN CAPTIONS IN SPANISH OR ENGLISH 0:00 Intro 0:45 Suitcase bargain 9:20 Fake Victoria Secret bikini bargain 11:43 Fake psg jersey 13:27 Fake designer perfume 18:35 Fake gucci bag 24:22 Fake Ronaldo Jersey 27:50 Fake Miami heat jersey 31:17 Fake jordan retro 4 35:45 Fake Jeezy boost 43:45 Fake Valentino slides 🌎 It’s cringe to say it but if you like th
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