Текст с Bandcamp'a: “A Danish monk sits alone in the scriptorium, singing out passionate praises to the Virgin Mary. Mit hjerte brænder hedt som et bål og så det skal pro laudibus Mariæ. Vore min tunge gjort af stål og havde et mål totamque vim sophie. Måtte jeg lærdommen finde hanc laudare virginem, da ville jeg digte og rime. Reginarum regine et domine, du loves i allen time. Hvad siger jeg den usle mand som lidet kan de hac virginitate? Al din sorg du overvandt som du det fandt sua benignitate. Du er vel værdig at prises templum dei trinitas hvorfra dine dyder vises. Majestatis unitas essencie, du ærefulde og vise. O lux et decus hominum, lux luminum, Maria med dyd og fromme. Pereriste filium, et dominum, Jesus den signede blomme. Lad os aldrig adskilles, virge jesse florida, oprunden som rose og lilje. Da nobis solacium, et gaudium, med magt og fuldgod vilje. English translation: My heart burns hot like a pyre and so it should To praise Mary Were my tongue made of steel and had a purpose and fullness of wisdom Might I find the knowledge To praise this virgin I would write poetry and rhyme. Queen of queens and mistress Be praised for all time. What say i, oh wretched man who knows none of her virginity? All your grief you overcome as you find it in your mercy. You are praiseworthy like the temple of the Trinity of God from which your virtues appear. Majestic unison of essence you are honorable and wise. Oh light and joy of people, light of lights, Mariy, both virtuos and pious. You have born a son and lord Jesus the blessed flowers. Never seperate from me, oh blossoming branch sprung from rose and lily. Give us comfort and joy With might and willpower. from Lux Luminum, released May 13, 2017 Mith Hierthæ Brendher Heth Som Boll - Per Ræff Lyllæ / Codex AM 76,8° (ca. 1470-80)“
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