DISCLAIMER: This compilation was not made to propagate any political idea and was only made and posted for entertainmental and history reasons. I do not earn anything from it and I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. SONGS: SONGS FROM THE FASCIST STATE 1922 - 1943 0:00 Giovinezza (Youth) (Anthem of the .) 3:24 All’armi siam Fascisti! (To arms, we are Fascists!) 6:14 Adua (Adwa) 8:43 Inno dei giovani Fascisti (Hymn of the young Fascists) 11:57 Duce, Duce, Duce! (Leader, Leader, Leader) 15:03 Vincere, Vincere, Vincere! (To win, to win, to win!) 18:10 Me ne frego (I don’t care) 21:31 Fischia il Sasso (The Sasso whistles) 23:43 Saluto al Duce! (Hail to the Leader!) SONGS FROM THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR 26:30 Al grido dei fratelli di Spagna (To the shout of the brothers of Spain) 29:32 Se Franco vogliamo seguire (If Franco we want to follow) 32:07 Avanti Falangisti! (Forwards, Falangists!) SONGS FROM THE ITALIAN SOCIAL REPUBLIC 1943 - 1945 34:45 Giovinezza (Youth) (Anthem of the ISR) 37:35 Stornelli delle Brigate Nere (Songs of the Black Brigades) 38:51 Battaglioni “M“ (“M“ Battallions) 41:53 Al vento le bandiere (To the wind the flags) 43:02 Le donne non ci vogliono più bene (Women do not like us anymore) 45:11 È l’ora di marciar (It’s time to march) (Raise up the flag in Italian) 46:38 Vogliamo scolpire una lapide (We want to carve a tombstone) 47:50 Hanno ammazzato Ettore Muti (They have killed Ettore Muti) 48:52 È partita una tradotta (A route has sailed) POST 1945 NEO-FASCIST SONGS 50:57 Il canto degli italiani (The song of the Italians) (Anthem of the MSI) 53:28 Inno di Terza Posizione (Anthem of the Third Position) 55:38 Inno Destra Nazionale (Anthem of the National Right)
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