Created by David James Armsby. This short film takes place 69 million years ago in Cretaceous Alaska and follows a mother Troodon as she and her brood try to survive the coldest and most desperate times of the year. This is the second short film in my “Dinosauria Animated Series“ and is probably my favourite of the collection. This particular film has a lot of far-fetched speculative ideas when it comes to dinosaur behaviour and appearance, but that really doesn't hurt my opinion of it in the slightest. I love the pacing, atmosphere, dinosaur designs, and storytelling. This short film was also just a blast to make and I'm really happy with it! :D Hope you all enjoy it as well. Check out the whole “Dinosauria Animated Series“ here!: Sound Effects From; Music Used: “Angelic Forest“ - Doug Maxwell. “Horror House“ - Aaron Kenny. “March of Midnight“ - Scott Buckley. http
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