Еще один фейковый трейлер, напоминалка)) ----- A darker interpretation of the Red Riding Hood story. - American Mcgee has an upcoming game project called ’Red’ with a similar idea, but I have no idea what the story for that will be. However the idea of taking this iconic character and tinting her story was compelling for me. - My story idea: A young girl living in the forest of colonial America looses her mother and father in an attack on her home by persons unknown. Years later when she’s grown to womanhood, she is now an outcast wandering from settlement to settlement known only as ’Red’ by most because of her hood. There are threats looming in the dark woodlands. There are werewolves stalking those foolish enough to stray to far from camp, and the hunters, a crusading order devoted to destroying the wolves but in the process massacring entire households to keep their evil influence at bay. The only way to remove the threat of wolves forever is to kill the head wolf,
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