“Gargoyles“ was a groundbreaking animated TV series that Disney ran from 1994 to 1997. It's the dark, gritty and fantastic story of six majestic monsters sent from a castle in the medieval Scottish countryside to modern Manhattan, where they pledge to defend the city from its enemies. This video is the show's creator, Greg Weisman, pitching the concept to Disney, describing the show's unique premise and showing a series of elaborate illustrations of the show, as well as early concepts for characters like Elisa, Brooklyn and Bronx. Bronx looks a lot sillier than he turned out to be. This video can be found on “Gargoyles: The Complete First Season“ on DVD. I urge you to go pick it up; it's an incredible series. “Gargoyles“ also continues as a bi-monthly comic series from Slave Labor Graphics. “Gargoyles“ ©1994-2008 Disney.
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