The strong shallow quake struck just before midnight on Monday, sending residents running outside in sub-zero temperatures. Thousands of homes were damaged, and state media also reported that public infrastructure was damaged “to varying degrees.“ A video released by the Ministry of Emergency Management showed rescuers in orange uniforms using rods to try to move heavy pieces of what looked like concrete rubble during the night. Other overnight videos released by state media show rescuers lifting a victim and helping a slightly stumbling man walk in an area covered in light snow. Footage from the scene shows rescuers working by torchlight to help people get out of collapsed homes. Photos and video posted by a Lanzhou University student show students hurriedly leaving the dormitory building and standing outside in long down jackets over their pajamas. The epicenter of the quake is near the border between Gansu and Qinghai, a mountainous region on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. The quake was followed by nine aftershocks of magnitude 3 or higher, according to CENC data as of this morning. The first tremors lasted nearly 20 seconds and were felt 102 kilometers (63 miles) away in the provincial capital Lanzhou
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