Don't forget to Follow @drdaniaalghaleb & @ on Instagram 🥰🌹: 🌹Part 1 🌹Part 2 🌹Part 3 🌹Part 4 🌹Part 5 We post your favorite songs from all around the world with lyrics, adding some of our touches, and edits. You can find all different kinds of songs on our channel Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Italian etc.. We love some diversity on our page. Feel free to check the playlist and enjoy the music we have Thank you 🥰 Lyrics (English & Italian): I'll go with you T'accumpagno vico vico Sulo a tte ca si '' n amico Sulo a tte ca si' 'n amico And I'll take you to the neighborhood E te porto pe' 'e quartiere Addo '' the sun is not seen Addo' 'o sole nun se vede But if he sees everything or rests Ma se vede tutto 'o riesto E s'arapeno 'e ffeneste E s'arapeno 'e ffeneste And she understands how beautiful she is E capisce comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella How beautiful how beautiful Comm'e' bella comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella How beautiful how beautiful Comm'e' bella comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella I'm just sorry Me dispiace sulamente That's pride and these people Ca l'orgoglio 'e chesta gente He murders every day Se murtifica ogni juorno Pe '' na manica 'e fetiente Pe' 'na manica 'e fetiente That they have no conscience Che nun teneno cuscienza And they have no respect E nun teneno rispetto As they take a nap Comme fanno a piglia' suonno When it's late in the evening Quann'e' 'a sera dint' 'o lietto Dint '' o lietto dint '' o lietto Dint' 'o lietto dint' 'o lietto When it's late in the evening Quann'e' 'a sera dint' 'o lietto Dint '' o lietto dint '' o lietto Dint' 'o lietto dint' 'o lietto When it's late in the evening Quann'e' 'a sera dint' 'o lietto I'll take you to Margillina Po' te porto a Margillina He seems in a hurry Sempe ca nun tiene fretta Towards the morning hours Verso 'e ccinche d' 'a matina When '' or traffic '' or permits Quann' 'o traffico 'o ppermette Everything is allowed here Cca' e' permesso tuttecose No flaws 'holds' or right No pecche' tiene 'o diritto But it's always a mistake Ma pecche' s'e' sempe fatto Or it's just disgusting O e' sultanto pe' dispietto I'm sorry, I'm sorry Pe' dispietto pe' dispietto It's just disgusting È sultanto pe' dispietto I'm sorry, I'm sorry Pe' dispietto pe' dispietto It's just disgusting E' sultanto pe' dispietto I'm just sorry Me dispiace sulamente That's pride and these people Ca l'orgoglio 'e chesta gente He murders every day Se murtifica ogni juorno And no, we didn't care E nuje ce mettimmo scuorno And no one does anything E nisciuno po' ffa' niente We squeezed the candy Ce zucammo 'a caramella How sweet and how beautiful Comm'e' ddoce e comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella How sweet and how beautiful Comm'e' ddoce e comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella How sweet and how beautiful Comm'e' ddoce e comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella I dream of being a musician Io che songo musicante And I feel lucky E me sento furtunato Singing and singing are and singing Canto e ssono sono e canto Chesta beautiful serenade Chesta bella serenata It's because I'm in love È pecche' so' nnammurato Because maybe I was born Pecche' forse ce so' nato But see how beautiful she is Ma vedite comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella How beautiful how beautiful Comm'e' bella comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella How beautiful how beautiful Comm'e' bella comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella How beautiful how beautiful Comm'e' bella comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella How beautiful how beautiful Comm'e' bella comm'e' bella 'The city' 'and pulecenella 'A citta' 'e pulecenella
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