Dragi prijatelji, poštovani pčelari, dozvolite mi da i ja budem malo slobodniji sa mojim pričama i to na budućem pčelinjaku tj. kod moje vikendice. Ovo je moja lična priča takoreći nezvanična, ali sam ipak opisao mesto gde će mi biti moja lepotica tj. košnica sa pčelicama. Nadam se da nisam bio previše nametljiv, jer je svaka moja priča imala neku težinu posla kojeg sam lično odradio. Budite i vi takvi i ne brinite. FIRST DAY AT THE FUTURE BEE Apiary Dear friends, respected beekeepers, allow me to be a little more free with my stories and that at the future apiary, i.e. near my cottage. This is my personal story, so to speak, unofficial, but I still described the place where my beauty will be, i.e. the beehive with bees. I hope I wasn’t too intrusive, because each of my stories had the weight of the work I personally did. Be like that and don’t worry.
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