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Fazbear and Friends is an animated series based on the main cast of “Five Nights at Freddy's“. The show follows the wacky misadventures of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and their many friends as they get themselves into trouble while trying to manage their pizzeria.
In our last Squid Game video, Friday Night Funkin Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Baldi's Basics, Bendy and the Ink Machine, FNAF Foxy, Among Us, Alex and Steve, are forced to play in a deadly game of red light green light in Squid Game. Who will win the money prize? ...Or will the Squid Game doll kill them all? Watch the last video to see what happens!
A new music video like Don't Come Crying is on it's way! GET EXCITED! The FNAF Song may be about Purple Girl who knows.
More songs like Build Our Machine Bendy and the Ink Machine Music Video and Among Us Lyin' To Me are coming your way! Aph
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