The secret of secrets; within 1 is 1. One secret holds multiple unknown secrets. Thus is the Key of Zero. The one key to all is the all key to one. When 2 become 1, free is the path. One removed of one is all. One reflected on one is two. Two is a pull and a push, within the balance holds the flux. The flux is the third, equivalent to the behaviors of both poles. The three behaviors, perpetuation, ordering, and freedom build the pathway of circuits. A completed circuit is the Byss, of the Abyss. The spread and focus develops a gradient, a foundation of four aspects. The Positive-Positive, the Positive-Negative, the Negative-Positive, and the Negative-Negative. The Positive is information, while the negative is variation. One information owns many variations, as one variation owns much information. The infinite is finite, a singular parameter. The finite is infinite, as being complete is a singular parameter of all things. As a circuit finishes a revolution, continued be the cycle in-which manifest the details. The key of five is the key of four, inverted. The voltage travels through the outside of the toroid, the current in reverse fills the inside of the toroid. The negative feeds the positive, both dependent on the actions of the other. This cause and effect sustains the reflection of the key of three, the development of purpose into order into law. The key of six is the law of three, inverted. Balance and in-balance construct the foundation, the reflection, key of two, thrusting each stage to a pinnacle apex, the top of a pyramid. The key of seven is the key of two inverted. Within the apex, thrives the extended behaviors of the shapes that which define both top and bottom, ascension and descension. One in one whole is the key of 8, reflection of the key of four and inversion of the key of one. Combined together, all boundaries have angles and curves, the key of nine is the center of all, the three of threes as inversion of the key of none, the key of Zero. Nothing is infinite, at core being as all. Zero is the infinite finite behavior of the finite infinite behavior of Nine. All cycles have behaviors, all behaviors have patterns, all patterns are keys of their own manifestations. From the Cause rises the Effect, from the effect out-rises the effect. Man and Man's environment, are the effect of man's own causation. ---------- Numerological Derivatives as: The Cosmic Spallation Codec Keys The patterns that which define the shape of the periodic table of elements 0 00000000-0-00000000 0/9 1 12345678-9-87654321 1/8 2 24681357-9-75318642 2/7 3 36936936-9-63963963 3/6 4 48372615-9-51627384 4/5 5 51627384-9-48372615 5/4 6 63963963-9-36936936 6/3 7 75318642-9-24681357 7/2 8 87654321-9-12345678 8/1 9 99999999-9-99999999 9/0 ----------- Engineering the MC2: E=Mc2 is the behavior of light: ----------- Linear: in perpetuation of force. Oscillating: in freedom of actions. Reciprocating: in purpose of goals. Orbital: in orders of organization. ----------- In this Audio you will hear a rhythm. The whales dance and sing, led by one initiator. Every song is a different form for a different vision. On a timing, the pack emits waves, lower forms the foundation, higher forms the detailed peaks. In unison, created is the effect which gives a piercing through a veil, giving the herd mental vision into the unknown. Variations turned into information, as information is turned into variations. Тайна секретов; в пределах 1 равно 1. Один секрет содержит несколько неизвестных секретов. Таков Ключ Ноля. Один ключ ко всему — это все ключ к одному. Когда 2 становятся 1, путь свободен. Один удален из одного и все. Одно отражение в одном равно двум. Два — это тяга и толчок, баланс удерживает поток. Поток является третьим, эквивалентным поведению обоих полюсов. Три типа поведения: увековечение, порядок и свобода создают путь цепей. Завершенный контур — это Бездна, Бездна. Распространение и фокус создают градиент, основу из четырех аспектов. Положительно-положительно, положительно-отрицательно, отрицательно-положительно и отрицательно-отрицательно. Положительное — это информация, а отрицательное — вариация. Одной информации принадлежит множество вариаций, как одной вариации принадлежит много информации. Бесконечное конечно, сингулярный параметр. Конечное бесконечно, поскольку полнота есть единственный параметр всех вещей. Когда цепь завершает оборот, продолжается цикл, в котором проявляются детали. Ключ пятерки — это ключ четверки, перевернутый. Напряжение проходит через внешнюю часть тороида, а обратный ток заполняет внутреннюю часть тороида. Отрицательное питает положительное, оба зависят от действий другого. Эта причина и следствие поддерживают отражение ключа трех, развитие
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