


Yet not I but through Christ in me | Hebrew - English - Arabic | Worship from Israel

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As many around the world celebrate the Resurrection of our Messiah we wanted to produce a new collection of songs proclaiming the unity and Love of Yeshua! Please watch and share these songs! Your donations to ONE FOR ISRAEL help support local Jewish and Arab Israeli believing artists! Join us and become a partner today! Our latest Album “Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men.“ is on Spotify, Apple Music and everywhere! Check it out! English Vocals: Shiri Regev Hebrew Vocals: Dina Aweida Arabic Vocals & producer: Nizar Francis Music Arrangement: Kevin Yasmine Voices Recording - Maroun Beem at , Haifa Video Director & Editor - Michael Hildsen @nizarfrancisofficial7858 @ShiriRegev @KevinYasmine Lyrics: ‏Verse 1 מתת של חסד לי פודי ישוע מה עוד יוכלו שמיים לי לתת? מקור חירות, צדקה גיל ושמחה לי שלום בלי גבול, ואהבת אמת ‏Chorus 1 ‏To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus ‏For my life is wholly bound to His ‏Oh, how strange and divine, I can sing, “All is mine“ ‏Yet not I, but through Christ in me ‏Verse 2 الليلُ مظلمٌ ولكنّي لستُ وحيداً لأنّ مخلّصي ممسكٌ يدي سأثقُ بهِ في الفَرَحِ وفي الحُزنِ ففي ضَعفي قُوَّتُهُ تكفيني ‏Chorus 2 بهاذا أومنُ راعيَّ سيَحميني و في الوادي هوَ سَيقودُني سوفَ أبقى قويًّا والليلُ سينتهي ليسَ بي بَل بِيسوعَ المسيح ‏Verse 3 ‏No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven ‏The future’s sure, the price it has been paid ‏For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon ‏And He was raised to overthrow the grave ‏Chorus 3 בזאת אבטח, חטאי הובס לנצח ולעד ישוע תפילתי כי הכבל הותר ואני משוחרר בעזרת המשיח בי ‏Verse 4 ‏With every breath I long to follow Jesus ‏For He has said that He will bring me home ‏And day by day I know He will renew me ‏Until I stand with joy before the throne ‏Chorus 4 בזאת אבטח כי תקוותי ישוע הוא ראוי לכל כבוד ועוז וכשיושלם מרוצי לא ייתם ניגוני בעזרת המשיח בי ‏Chorus 5 بهذا أومنُ أنّ يسوعَ رجائي لهُ كلُّ المجدِ إلى الأبدِ حتّى نهايةِ رِحلتي سَيُرَدِّدُ فَمي ليسَ بي بل بيسوعَ المسيح ‏Yet not I, but through Christ in me

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