“Tell Me a Riddle“ is a collection of four short stories written by Tillie Olsen. The collection was first published in 1961 and quickly gained recognition for its poignant exploration of human relationships, family dynamics, and the struggles faced by women in mid-20th century America. The title story, “Tell Me a Riddle,“ focuses on the character of Eva, an elderly woman who is nearing the end of her life. Eva's marriage to her husband, David, has become strained and distant over the years. The story delves into Eva's reflections on her life, her regrets, and her attempts to reconnect with David and her children. It addresses themes of love, loss, and the search for meaning in the face of mortality. The other three stories in the collection, “I Stand Here Ironing,“ “Hey Sailor, What Ship?,“ and “O Yes,“ also explore themes of family, identity, and societal expectations. They delve into the experiences of women and the challenges they face in bal
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