Watch Rishi Kapoor along with the family, in this video. Film actor Randhir Kapoor gets espoused to actress Babita. Raj Kapoor who is father of Randhir Kapoor can be clearly seen in this video. Randhir Kapoor physically touches the feet of his grandfather Prithviraj Kapoor to seek his blessings. Raj Kapoor ties sehra on his son’s forehead as a wedding ritual. Shammi Kapoor escorted him to the white wedding horse. He sits on the ghori and the wedding or espousement procession moves towards Babita’s house. Friends and relatives dance alongside the procession. Conclusively Randhir and Babita get espoused and take the blessings of elders. Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bhaduri, Hrishikesh Mukherjee, Rekha, Yogita Bali, Mehmood, Dharmendra, Nutan, Rajinder Kumar, Devanand also attend the reception party. What a rare moment in time from the lives of Mumbai’s premier Bollywood celebrity couple. This footage is part of the broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest HD and 4
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