From 1969, Ernie (Jim Henson) invents a machine that makes letter As. It doesn’t work when it rains, though, ’cause “it only makes A when the sun shines!“ For the kids out there, it’s a take on the expression, “make hay while the sun shines“, do things now while you can. Farmers only make hay when it’s dry in the sun, not wet from the rain :-) CLICK ON SHOW MORE FOR LINKS! I’m sure Ernie knocking the knob off (0:38) had nothing to do with it not working any more, lol! No machines are safe around Ernie! Sesame Maniac remembered him busting Bert’s R Machine, lol! PLAYLIST: Shameless Amazon Plug! The Sesame Street Book of Letters (Hardcover) :_Apartment Twitter: YouTube: Web: Facebook:
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