The original series follows Davey and Jonesie, two lovably eccentric best friends who have always felt out of step with their peers and the banal backdrop of their high school existence. So, when they discover their locker is actually a portal to the multiverse, they’re more than ready to escape their teenage prison of mediocrity in favor of new horizons. But the joke is on them when they only end up in bizarre, alternate versions of their high school, surrounded by offbeat versions of their classmates. Fortunately, these audacious and creative besties are ready to make the most of this vacation from reality by leaving their mark on every universe they if it means choosing interdimensional chaos while they’re at it. Worth it for the vibes. Watch Davey & Jonesie’s Locker on Hulu! ABOUT Davey & Jonesie’s Davey and Jonesie, feel out of step with their peers and the Banal Backdrops of their High School. When they discover their locker is actually a portal to a Multiverse,
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