Watch Ratha Yatra of Lord Jagannath Live Coverage from Puri. The Puri Ratha Yatra festival is based around the worship of Lord Jagannath, a reincarnation of lords Vishnu and Krishna. It commemorates his annual visit to his birthplace, Gundicha Temple, and aunt’s home along with his elder brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra. #RathYatra2021 #जगन्नाथरथयात्रा2021 #JagannathRathYatra #shemaroobhakti Download ShemarooMe APP for more devotional songs and share it with your friends and Family: Give a missed call on 18002665151 On our “Shemaroo Bhakti“ channel you will find your beloved deities favorite Bhajan, Mantras, Aarti, Jaap, Chant, Shloka, Amritwani, Kirtan, Pravchan and LIVE darshan etc.
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