Nokia C20 Plus was launched in India on Monday. Unveiled last month in China, the affordable Nokia phone comes with features including dual rear cameras and an octa-core SoC. It is also claimed to deliver two days of battery life on a single charge. The Nokia C20 Plus is designed as an upgrade to the Nokia C20 that was launched in global markets in April but didn't make it to the Indian market. Alongside the Nokia C20 Plus, Nokia brand licensee HMD Global announced the India launch of the Nokia C01 Plus, Nokia C10, and the Nokia XR20. The Finnish company also revealed an India-specific version of the Nokia C30 that will come with full-fledged Android 11 — an upgrade over the global Nokia C30 that runs on Android 11 (Go edition). Nokia C30 price in Pakistan is expected to be Rs. 19,999. Nokia C30 Expected to be launched on May 31, 2021. This is 2 GB RAM / 32 GB internal storage variant of Nokia which is available in Black; other colors colours. Expected Price of Nokia C30 in Pakistan is Rs. 19,99
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