Audience: Army Captain, Majors, 18 Series, 48 Series. Synopsis: The film tells the story of the special operations forces (SOF), and the special situations, for unconventional war, and a general war if the need arises because of today's world situations. The evolving nations with political and economic power struggles have created a constant stream of worldwide special situations and these are the missions of SOF: 1. Foreign internal defense 2. Unconventional warfare 3. Strategic and tactical reconnaissance 4. Strike 5. Strategic and tactical psychological operations (PSYOPS) 6. Civil administration 7. Rescue and evacuation 8. Collection security 9. Humanitarian operations 10. Terrorism counteraction 11. Civil affairs 12. Safeguarding of U.S. citizens abroad 13. Deception operations 14. Security assistance 15. Special Operations Aviation 16. Sabotage. - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 4524969 / Local Identifier 330-DVIC-701181 - Special Operations Forces - Departmen
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