Check out SATISFYE ➤ Use code WULFFDEN for an additional 5% Off The Nintendo Switch has been plagued with widespread drifting joy-con for years now, and someone may have finally found a permanent solution for it... 🔔GET NOTIFIED: SUB! ▶️New Videos AT LEAST weekly WULFF DEN CLIPS video VK’s original video 👕W U L F F D E N A P P A R E L 👕 🛍Support the channel! Use these links to buy stuff: iFixIt Toolkit eCash - Nintendo eShop Gift Card Nintendo Switch Console ➤➤➤Support the channel! Become a sponsor: #action=sponsor • Access to Sponsor only Discord chat • Chat badge & Emotes • Watch new videos WHOLE HOURS EARLY (via discord) • Priority game time for monthly multiplayer streams 🎮Twitch: 🐦Twitte
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