Full title reads: “Southampton. To discuss Disarmament ... Reparations and ...? Dr Bruening (the German Chancellor) and Dr Curtius, Germany, arrive for momentous Conference with Prime Minister at Chequers.“ Southampton, Hampshire. A Royal Navy warship pulls in at dock. Dr Heinrich Bruening and Dr Julius Curtius are among those who disembark. More shots of the Naval ship. Shots of the German dignitaries on the deck of the ship with British officers. They disembark (again?) Intertitle reads: “... and now Dr Bruning - Germany’s greatest Chancellor since Bismarck - will speak to you himself.“ Bruening expresses his thanks to the Prime Minister for his invitation to visit him in Chequers. He discusses the problems facing Europe and the economic crisis. Two shots of Bruening and Curtius. Shot of the two Germans with others on a balcony - they may be watching the Trooping of the Colour. (Natural Sound Track Only - No Commentary) N.B. The name of the German Chancellor appears to be spelt
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