Kung Fu Hustle (Chinese: 功夫, Kung Fu) is a 2004 martial arts action-comedy gangster film directed, produced, co-written, and starring by Stephen Chow. The film tells the story of a murderous neighborhood gang, a poor village with unlikely heroes, and an aspiring gangster’s fierce journey to find his true self. Eva Huang, Yuen Wah, Yuen Qiu, Danny Chan Kwok-kwan and Leung Siu-lung co-starred in prominent roles. The martial arts choreography is supervised by Yuen Woo-ping. Kung Fu Hustle was a co-production between Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese companies, filmed in Shanghai. After the commercial success of Shaolin Soccer, its production company, Star Overseas, began to develop the films with Columbia Pictures Asia in 2002. It features a number of retired actors famous for 1970s Hong Kong action cinema and has been compared to contemporary and influential wuxia films such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hero. The cartoon special effects in the film accompanied by traditional Chinese music, is often cited as its most striking feature. The film was released on 23 December 2004 in China and on 25 January 2005 in the United States. The film received positive reviews and grossed US$17 million in North America and US$84 million in other regions. It was tenth on the list of highest-grossing foreign-language films in the United States as well as the highest-grossing foreign-language film in the country in 2005. Kung Fu Hustle won numerous awards, including six Hong Kong Film Awards and five Golden Horse Awards. The film was re-released in 3D in October 2014 across Asia and America, marking the tenth anniversary of the film. 《功夫》(英語:Kung Fu Hustle)是一部於2004年上映的以中国功夫为主体的香港動作電影,由周星馳擔任導演、監製、編劇、配樂兼主演,錢昇瑋執行導演,袁和平和洪金寶任動作設計。故事取景於1940年代的中國,周星馳飾演一位無所作為、想加入當時最大幫派斧頭幫的小混混。該片的視覺效果廣泛地受到讚揚;卡通的風格伴隨著傳統中國的音樂則是最大的特點。 在《少林足球》取得商業成功後,暌違三年,其製作公司星輝海外有限公司於2002年起開始與哥倫比亞影業合作發展《功夫》。該片以許多70年代香港動作電影的退役演員為主,但也有當代有影響力的武術電影如《臥虎藏龍》和《英雄》等片的班底。 2004年12月23日在中國和2005年1月25日在美國發行。獲得了爛番茄的90%支持率和Metacritic的78%的支持率。在北美地區累計收入1,700萬美元,其他地區則收入8400萬美元。《功夫》也是香港歷史上票房最高的華語電影,直到2016年的電影《寒戰II》打破。電影是2005年美國歷史上銷售額第十高的外語電影,也是全國收入最高的外語片。功夫贏得了無數獎項,其中包括六項香港電影金像獎和五項金馬獎。這部電影於2014年10月在亞洲和美洲重新發布,標誌著該電影十週年。 2005年,周星驰接受BBC个人专访时,BBC称他是李小龙和成龙之后又一位华人国际巨星。不过,周星驰却很谦虚地回答:“有点不同,我更注重幕后的工作。”事实上,《功夫》共获得海内外22个电影奖项和33项提名,而海外奖项和海外票房一样占了8成以上。據美國哥倫比亞影業介紹,因為周星馳是《功夫》的作者,所以周星馳享有《功夫》17.5%的版稅。換句話說,周星馳因《功夫》所得版稅收益和《少林足球》一樣都在2000萬美元以上。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 本频道只是宣传及分享作用,如版权方认为影片有侵权一事冒犯, 請在影片留言板留言, 我将会删除影片。 歌曲跟影片版权为歌手及其公司所拥有, 喜欢他们的音乐♪请支持正版。 This channel is for promotional and sharing purposes only. If the copyright owner believes that the video is infringing, please leave comment and I will delete the video completely.
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