


Songs of Korea Vol. 1 || 1

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01) [00:00] We Sing the Leader’s Revolutionary Cause / 수령님 혁명위업 노래부르네 / Мы воспеваем революционное дело Вождя Male chorus 02) [02:21] Pyongyang, I Grew in Your Bosom / 평양 내 자란 품이여 / Пхеньян, я выросла в твоих объятиях Female solo - Thae Yong Suk 03) [06:00] The Country I Defend / 내가 지켜선 조국 / Страна, которую я защищаю Male solo - Ri Gum Hyok 04) [09:53] Please Go, Ahead of Me / 어서 가요 먼저 가요 / Давай, иди вперёд Mixed duet - Merited Actress Yun Chun Sil, Kim Chol Ho 05) [12:27] My Heart Remains Unchanged / 내 마음 언제나 / Моё сердце остаётся неизменным Female solo - Ju Gyong Ok 06) [15:14] I Don’t Know / 나는 몰라라 / Я не знаю Solo with kayagum ensemble - Kim Ok Sil 07) [18:27] Juche, Our Victory / 주체는 우리의 승리 / Чучхе, наша победа Chorus 08) [20:57] The Hawks Fly High / 매들은 높이 날으네 / Ястребы летают высоко Male solo - Myong Man Sik 09) [24:24] We Shall Repay the Love and Trust / 그 사랑 그 믿음에 보답하리라 / Отплатим за любовь и доверие Female solo and ensemble - Thae Yong Suk 10) [29:50] Our Life / 우리의 인생 / Наша жизнь Mixed duet - People’s Actor Kim Sung Yon, Ryu Gyong Hui 11) [33:49] We’ll Only Support and Respect the Leader Forever / 천년만년 수령님만 모시고 따르리 / Мы будем вечно поддерживать и уважать Вождя Female solo - Kim Ok Suk 12) [37:48] The Homeland Is the Cradle of My Life / 조국은 내 삶의 요람 / Родина - колыбель моей жизни Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Merited Actress Pak In Suk 13) [41:30] Forgive Me / 용서하시라 / Прости меня Female solo - Merited Actress Sung Yong Hui 14) [46:56] The Rich Orchard Sways in Joy / 풍년든 과원에 행복이 설레이네 / Счастье порхает по роскошному саду Female solo - People’s Actress Kim Yong Ju 15) [50:07] Once the Party Is Determined, We Can Do Anything / 당이 결심하면 우리는 한다 / Если Партия решила - мы сделаем всё возможное Mixed duet with chorus - Merited Actor Hwang Rim Song, Ryu Bok Sil .................................................................... Songs of Korea Vol.1 / 조선의 노래 제1집 / Песни Кореи. Альбом №1 NOTE: It is not original copy of the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs from the web (according the information from the different sources). Download / Скачать MP3 (128-320 kbps) -

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