The first visuals of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meditation at Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari came to the fore on May 31. PM Modi visited Vivekananda Rock Memorial to meditate at Dhyan Mandapam. After concluding his election campaign, the PM arrived in Kanniyakumari on May 30. Prime Minister Modi offered prayers at Bhagavathy Amman Temple in Kanyakumari. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will meditate from May 31 till June 1 evening. He will be meditating throughout the day and night at the Dhyan Mandapam. PM Modi is mediating at the same place where Swami Vivekananda meditated. #PMModi #VivekanandaRockMemorial #Kanniyakumari Join ANI's YouTube membership to get access to perks: Subscribe now and press the bell icon 🔔 to get new video updates: -------------------------------------- ANI is South Asia's leading Multimedia News Agency providing content for every informati
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