“The Nature of Things”: Hypnosis (aired June 30, 1963, in Season 3) “The Nature of Things” was a science program produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from 1960-2017, and usually hosted by David Suzuki. Many full episodes are available on the CBC website, – but apparently not this one which was guest-hosted by Lister Sinclair (1921-2006) and featured Martin T. Orne (1927-2000), a psychiatrist and social psychologist who had a distinguished career as a hypnosis researcher, then at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center. Demonstration subjects were apparently drawn from the studio audience, as well as “Henry”, a friend of Sinclair’s. The video demonstrates many well-known hypnotic phenomena, including the fly hallucination (at approximately 1:20), beach hallucination (2:00), tape recorded group hypnosis modeled after the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility (4:30), arm rigidity (6:14), double hallucination (10:05-
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