Although the outcome of the battle around Eastern City is still uncertain, it is evident that Ukrainian forces are making progress, and this could signal the beginning of a significant spring counteroffensive. Russian forces are reportedly retreating from their positions amid the conflict in Ukraine at an ever-increasing rate, according to reports from the country's top intelligence agency. In a Telegram post, the deputy defence minister of Ukraine, Hanna, asserted that ten Russian posts on the northern and southern edges of Donetsk had been taken by Ukraine. The significant advancements by the Ukrainian armed forces in the vicinity of the eastern city, according to the general in charge of the Ukrainian Land Forces on Tuesday, show Ukraine's ability to defeat Russian forces and represent the offensive's first success. Additionally, these victories signal the start of the offensive. Russian troops are superior in terms of both personnel and arsenal. The Ukrainian military's actions, however, have prevented them from carrying out their plans since last summer. Ukraine claims that Russian forces are no longer able to conduct extensive offensive operations. This assertion follows the Ukrainian military's announcement that it had successfully taken control of more than ten Russian military positions. The Ukrainian armed forces claim that while shelling has significantly increased over the past day, there hasn't been much movement from the Russian side between the front lines in Ukraine. In recent days, Ukrainian forces have reclaimed from Russian forces an area of about 20 square kilometres in and around the eastern city. In its daily report, the Ukrainian General Staff noted that there was intense fighting and that Russia had launched futile offensive operations in a number of locations to the west and southeast of the eastern city. Southwest and west of the city, respectively, were the locations of these places. In some parts of the front, the enemy was unable to hold off the assault of the Ukrainian defenders and withdrew up to 2 kilometres away. But even though the Ukrainian counteroffensive has not yet started, its effects can already be seen. Recent events have demonstrated that, despite the extremely challenging conditions they are currently in, Ukrainian forces are adept at moving forward and destroying the enemy. Despite acknowledging the difficult circumstances, Russia insisted that it was keeping its position in the eastern city. Ukraine claims that Russia is totally committed to attempting to annex the eastern city from Ukraine. The Ukrainian armed forces have characterised themselves over the course of more than 15 months of combat against one of the largest armies in the world, especially for their capacity to change course when necessary. Recent videos from Ukraine show that the Ukrainian forces occupying the south have built hundreds of kilometres of serious trench boundaries and dragon's teeth tank traps in order to thwart any attempted advance. Ukraine has regularly reacted swiftly to shifting battlefield dynamics and used new technologies in order to capitalise on Russia's mistakes and gain an advantage in the conflict.
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