Manchester. GV start of fight. SV both boxers slamming away and moving round the ring at a fast rate.... Jake Tuli opens up with lefts and rights to Robert Cohen’s body but Cohen counter with similar blows. Both boxers again hammer away with left and rights to the body. Cohen shakes Tuli with some hard punches to the face. They break off, both exchange heavy punches. Tuli off balance, staggers across ring and slips on canvas. CU Tuli rising from canvas. SCU Tuli has short breather before resuming Cohen sails into him at once they both maul in the centre until Cohen misses with a left hook. SV crowd. LV boxers leaving corners for start of another round. Tuli tries moving around the ring and throwing out his left. CU Cohen walks in and throws a hard left to Tuli’s body and Tuli goes down. LV Tuli falling gets up right away and ref waves on fight Cohen sails in but Tuli ties him up until a barrage of body blows from Cohen forces him to break away. He is again off balance and a wild left hook just misses him
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