Learn English Through the Story “A Stepmother“ 🔖 The story revolves around Lakshman, a nine-year-old boy, grappling with the arrival of his stepmother, whom he despises. Frustrated with her attempts to impose authority, Lakshman rebels by breaking the baby’s cupboard. However, to his surprise, the stepmother doesn’t react with anger but instead calmly insists he will pay for the repairs from his bicycle savings. As the story unfolds, it explores the dynamics of the blended family, the clash of personalities, and the unexpected turns of power and resilience in the face of familial challenges. ♥♥♥ Benefits of Learning English Through This Story ♥♥♥ ✔️ Vocabulary Expansion: The story contains a wide range of vocabulary, from basic to more advanced words. By reading and understanding this story, learners can enhance their vocabulary repertoire. ✔️ Improvement in Reading and Comprehension Skills: Readi
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