Here we have a magnetic stirrer hotplate with variable speed and temperature control! This project is a bit more complex than the last one, but don’t let that hold you back, one you get started you’ll realize that it’s really quite easy. For the heating element’s voltage controller, I’d recommend using one that can handle twice the wattage of your kettle - mine is about 3000 watts, so I got a 10000W controller to be on the safe side. My digital voltage regulator is an “AC220V 10000W SCR Voltage Electronic Voltage Regulator“ that I bought from ebay for about $12. here’s a simple overview of how I wired it: MAIN POWER: ----} digital voltage controller ----} heating element ----} Variable voltage adapter ----} 120mm PC fan In the last image, I’d just hot glued the digital control panel and the voltage adaptor together and used an epoxy glue to attach the voltage regulator to the base of the hotplate. I’ve also hot-glued the base and the hotplate parts together to have a single finished product that’s eas
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