I was inspired to do this video after seeing StanislavivBall’s history of Ukraine video. Music: 0:08 - Skellige - Duan 1:08 - Total War: Attila - Main Menu Music 1:15 - Epic Arabian Battle Music 3:12 - Mongolian Music - Temüjin 3:45 - Video Game Soldiers - Twin Musicom 4:21 - Cosacks Back to War Soundrack 4:48 - Overture 1812 5:41 - Стани, юнак Балкански! 6:05 - World War I The Russian Briefing 6:32 - Чорними Хмарами Марш Україна 6:55 - Serbian Military March - Марш на Дрину 7:12 - И вновь продолжаеться бой! 7:22 - Hearts of Iron IV - Mother Russia 8:12 - Hearts of Iron IV - Comintern Theme 8:48 - Свиридов - Время, Вперёд! 9:21 - MPnoy - In deep world Materials: - Wikipedia - StanislavivBall - Antartida ball - Cottereau And a couple of maps I found on Google
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