The animated series Bjorn & Bucky follows the adventures of two tireless – and rather mischievous – little bears: a brown bear named Bucky and a polar bear named Bjorn. Together with their friend, Franny the fox, they get up to all kinds of shenanigans. Bjorn and Bucky get together to play soccer, and Franny wants to join them. But how will they break up into teams when there are only three players? Find out the answer in the new episode, called “Goal”.
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Animated series BE-BE-BEARS Bjorn and Bucky is follows the adventures of two cute and active little bears Bjorn and Bucky and their friend Franny the fox. Brown little bear Bjorn and the polar little bear Bucky are different but they are real friends. Watch them playing, cooking, fishing, inventing, having fun together and doing other interesting bear stuffs in the woods.
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