Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan arrived in Tezpur, Assam on Tuesday for the shooting of his upcoming movie Fighter directed by Siddharth Anand. Hrithik plays the role of an Air Force pilot in Fighter, for which he will train and shoot at the military air base in Salonibari under the supervision of military officers. It has been learned that Hrithik will be seen in Sukhoi 30 fighter jet in the film. The shoot for which will commence on November 18. #hirthikroshan #bollywoodnews #fighter #ETVBharat Read more at: ETV Bharat is an exclusive news channel on YouTube that streams news from the globe. Get the latest news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories in ETV Bharat. For daily news updates visit or download the ETV Bharat app: Facebook:
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