[HD] Russia TV: Дело Дурова во Франции активизировало споры о свободе на Западе FULL 1/9/24 Telegram News in Durov’s case in France has intensified debates about freedom in the West News on Durov’s case in France has intensified debates about freedom in the West .The bail of five million euros has been paid, but questions about Durov remain. Few believe that Macron did this himself. The French public and the press cannot decide whether Pavel Durov is an enemy or a friend for France? But it seems that Paris has opened Pandora’s box. Following France, claims against Telegram have been made in Germany. Some have even begun to fear that “freedom of speech“ in the West is quickly becoming a relic of history. Вести в Дело Дурова во Франции активизировало споры о свободе на Западе Залог в пять миллионов евро заплачен, но вопросы про Дурова остались. Мало кто верит, что Макрон это сделал сам. Французская общественность и пресса никак не могут определиться, является ли Павел Д
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