Rashid Khan’s consummate rendition of Raga Jogkauns held the packed house at the Saptak Festival with a performance reaffirming his status as a doyen of North Indian Khayal singing. Rashid Khan - Vocals Gopal Misra - Tabla Murad Ali - Sarangi Mehmood Dhaulpuri - Harmonium Recorded Live at Saptak Festival 2005 - Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India) Location Engineer - Derek Roberts Assistant Engineer - Krishna Shirgaonkar Produced By - Derek Roberts Executive Producer - Alpesh Patel Photography - Deko VFX Producer - Virja Enterprise Thanks to - The stage crew at Virtual Studios, Nandan Mehta, Prafful Shah, everyone at Saptak, Kanti Dattani and Verity Sharp (BBC Radio 3 / Late Junction) for inspired radio. Mixed and mastered in the U. K. By Derek Roberts of Soundcraft Productions. For more information contact: info@ | info@ Web.: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Navratri Part 2 - Nonstop
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