In this world where Hunters with various magical powers battle monsters from invading the defenceless humanity, Sung Jinwoo was the weakest of all the Hunters, barely able to make a living. However, a mysterious System grants him the power of the ‘Player’, setting him on a course for an incredible and often times perilous Journey. Follow Sung Jinwoo as he embarks on an adventure to become an unparalleled existence through his “Level-Up” system - the only one in the entire world! ------ THIS IS AN OFFICIAL LICENSED TRANSLATION FROM D&C MEDIA Copyright Owner's Information: © DUBU(REDICE STUDIO), Chugong, h-goon 2018 / D&C MEDIA The link to this webtoon ☞ Webnovel : Tappytoon : D&C Webtoon blog ☞ D&C Webtoon twitter ☞ “List of Official Platforms You can read the official translations of ““Solo Leveling““ on the following platforms ★ Global/Eng - ★ Japan - ★ France - “
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