-How terribly sad it is to leave the Crimea, the sea, the sailors and the ships- (Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaievna, diary entry, on May 16th 1916.) After short visiting Sebastopol, and attending the Black Sea Parade, IF, accompanied with servants and friends, moved to the city of Evpatoria, by the train. One of the main targets was the opening the Military Hospital of Empress Alexandra Feodorvna. Anna Vyrubova remembers that meeting in the city was the most beautiful, and all bathed in the southern Sun. Imperial Train arrived at 10 o clock in the morning. After being wholeheartedly welcomed, the IF listened to the speech of the Governor, and then went to the Orthodox Church, where Church Service/Liturgy was served. Directly from Orthodox Temple, the IF proceeded to the Juma mosque, to be welcomed by Muslim community. Next to come, was arrival of IF to Karaite Kenasa and main Jewish synagogue in Evpatoria. After paying tribute to three main Faiths, Empress Alexandra opened new H
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