“Oh Boy!“ An imagined title sequence for a hypothetical spin-off series from the comic story ’Flashback!’ created with Masterpiece figures from Hasbro, Takara and 3rd party. Inspired by the Transformers G1 Marvel UK comic story ’Flashback!’ (by Simon Furman), in which Prowl followed Megatron into a Time Doorway to stop him changing history, with both characters inhabiting bodies in that timeframe in a very ’Quantum Leap’ way. I thought it would be fun to imagine further adventures for Prowl, à la Sam Beckett, leaping around in Transformers history. If you see ads, it’s because I’ve used the excellent Quantum Leap theme tune by Mike Post, thanks to the copyright holders for allowing this! Thanks as always to The Chosen Prime for their support, be sure to check them out for all your Masterpiece and Third Party needs: You can support my work via my Patreon page... Even the smallest contrib
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