WATCH IN 1080p. “We will never surrender. We win or we die. And don’t think it stops there. You will have the next generation to fight; and after the next, the next. As for me, I will live longer than my hangman.“ -- Omar Mukhtar. *All the images and music used in the video belong to their respective owners. I do not own anything. This is purely fan-made video, for creative purpose only. Please support the artists by purchasing their original works. Movie: Lion of the Desert. Music: 1. Saad Al-Hussainy - ALAM 1 ألم 2. Tamer Karawan - Lament ♫ Follow Saad Al-Hussainy: ★ YouTube: @SaadAlHussainy ★ Website: ★ Facebook: ♫ Follow Tamer Karawan: ★ YouTube: @TamerKarawanOfficial ★ Twitter: ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Soundcloud: ★ Keek: _____________________________________ #lionofthedesert #omarmukhtar #muslimwarrior _____________________________________ Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: VK: MyShows: _____________________________________ “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use“ for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favorite of fair use.“
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