Amidst an endless chaotic sea lies the Empire of the Isles, seemingly the only beacon of civilization in an otherwise hostile world. The Templin Institute investigates the nations, factions, and organizations of alternate worlds. New episodes every week. The Sojourn | The Sojourn Twitter | Other Divisions & Branches: 🔹 Patreon | 🔹 The Templin Commissary | 🔹 Twitch | 🔹 The Templin Archives | 🔹YouTube Membership | 🔹Submit Your Episode Idea | Communications & Media: 🔹 Website | 🔹 Discord | 🔹 Facebook | 🔹 Twitter | 🔹 Instagram | 🔹 Subreddit | 🔹 Mailing Address | Unit 144 - 919 Centre St SW Calgary, AB T2E 2P6 Dishonored 1&2 Screenshots by Midhras Background music “True Genesis“ by “Tenacious Orchestra“ Used under licence from Ending music “Battle Forever“ used under license from .
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