Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will visit Uttar Pradesh on 20th October, 2021. At around 10 AM, the Prime Minister will inaugurate the Kushinagar International Airport. Subsequently, at around 11:30 AM, he will participate in an event marking Abhidhamma Day at Mahaparinirvana Temple. Thereafter, at around 1:15 PM, the Prime Minister will attend a public function to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various development projects in Kushinagar. Inauguration of Kushinagar International Airport The inauguration of the Kushinagar International Airport will be marked by the landing of the inaugural flight at the airport from Colombo, Sri Lanka, carrying Sri lankan delegation of over hundred Buddhist Monks & dignitaries including the 12-member Holy Relic entourage bringing the Holy Buddha Relics for Exposition. The delegation also comprises of Anunayakas (deputy heads) of all four Nikatas (orders) of Buddhism in Sri Lanka i.e Asgiriya, Amarapura, Ramanya, Malwatta as well as five ministers of the Govern
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