SYNOPSIS (ENGLISH) A decades-old incident involving a group of five friends who ran an illegal pro-democracy broadcasting station during the Fifth Republic in South Korea brings together three different people—an illegal “night courier“ with the codename “Healer“ (Ji Chang-wook) who possesses top-notch fighting skills, a reporter from a second-rate tabloid news website (Park Min-young), and a famous journalist at a major broadcast station (Yoo Ji-tae) In trying to uncover the truth from that 1992 incident, they grow into real, honest reporters, while dealing with the conflict between truth and fate. SINOPSIS (MALAY) Kejadian selama puluhan tahun yang melibatkan sekumpulan lima rakan yang menjalankan stesen penyiaran pro-demokrasi haram semasa Republik Kelima di Korea Selatan menghimpunkan tiga orang yang berbeza - “kurir malam“ yang tidak sah dengan nama kod “Healer“ (Ji Chang-wook ) yang memiliki kemahiran bertarung terkemuka, wartawan dari laman web berit
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