Full title reads: “’Sugar Ray’ V Delannoit“. Turin, Italy. Sugar Ray Robinson beats Cyril Delannoit as he retires in the 3rd Round of title boxing bout. LV World Middle weight boxing champion ’Sugar Ray’ Robinson bowing to audience. CU Cyril Delannoit, from Belgium looking confident. Crowd. LV Start of fight. SV Fierce body attack by Robinson has Delannoit in trouble against ropes. Delannoit tries to clinch but Robinson fights him off. CU Robinson misses with left. SV Robinson lands with hard left which forces Delannoit against ropes and in trying to avoid further punishment Delannoit falls through ropes. SV Old man with young woman. CU Robinson fiercely punishing Delannoit against ropes. They clinch. MV In-fighting. LV Finish of Round 2. CU Delannoit in corner. CU Robinson’s sister. LV Start of Third round. CU Robinson Stalking Delannoit. MV Delannoit falls against ropes, ducks out of trouble, and scampers across ring. CU Woman looking apprehensive. SV Delannoit against ropes. Robinson stands off, an
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