In times of uncertain chaos, When the future remains unclear, I center myself in the core of the earth, As Gaia knows no fear. OOPS! SORRY! THE VIDEO I MENTIONED AT THE BEGINNING GOT FLAGGED FOR COPYRIGHT SO I HAD TO TAKE IT DOWN AND REPLACE WITH A COSTA RICA VID! DANG! Here we go again! The energy will be building through this weekend just like the Moon will be growing fuller and fuller until full! The emotions will be growing stronger as long repressed feelings rise up like the lava in the Iceland volcano. The energy of rising up to rebel against imposed limitations (whether real or imagined) is strong and needs to be dealt with. It’s up to each of us to determine just how we manage these emotions, project them, be driven wild by them, or delve down to the roots and liberate/heal/embrace them. One way leads to blame, resentment, and acts of revenge while the other leads to peaceful evolution. The choice is ours.
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